Monday, June 11, 2012

Wrapping Up Another Year!

Hello St. Ephrem Friends!
I can't believe you're all finished 6th grade and on to 7th!  I hope you all had a wonderful school year.  I know you've worked hard and have much to be proud of, and now you deserve a rest and a summer full of fun!  I think of you often, and keep you all in my prayers.  Have a safe and happy summer!
Mrs. Morris

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy 2012!

Happy New Year St. Ephrem Friends!  I am so proud to hear about the exciting things you are doing!  Jolie and Cheyanne and Gianna - I'm sure you are amazing at Forensics!  And Tori - I can see you on Broadway one day!
My class is working on X-treme weather reports - remember when we did that?  I am showing them the videos of your weather reports to show them what a great job looks like!
I pray for all of you every time I go to mass, and I think of you so often.  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  I have a new iPad and am having lots of fun finding apps (like Angry Birds and Words with Friends!)
Please wish your families and  teachers and the other kids a Happy New Year for me!

Monday, September 5, 2011

A New School Year

Hello to my St. Ephrem Friends!
I hope you all had a wonderful summer!  I just returned from a week at the Animal Kingdom Lodge in Disney World.  It was amazing to see the animals of the African Savannah up close from my balcony every day.  The giraffes were my favorite, but there were zebras and gazelles and lots of others to see too.  I learned a lot about African culture too.
I hope you all have a wonderful year in 6th grade.  This will be a very special time for you as you prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation.  I will keep all of you in my prayers.  Give my best to Mrs. Battson and Mrs. Scholl and be your best selves each and every day!
Mrs. Morris

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The End!

Wow!  Can you believe the school year is almost over?  Soon you'll be on to 6th grade!  I'm amazed at how well you all did in First in Math, and I'm sure you amazed your teachers with your other talents as well!  I plan to spend the summer reading and watching Phillies games and spending 8 magical days in Disney World.  I hope you all have a wonderful summer too!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Wow!!!!!  I am so jealous that you had a visit from the Phanatic!!!  That must have been so much fun!  Nativity participated this year too, and we are hoping for a visit in April.  I'm looking forward to baseball season - looks like the best Phillies team ever!  I will be at the May 6 Teacher Appreciation Night game - if any of you are going, let me know.  I hope you're all doing well.  Say hi to the teachers for me!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy 2011!

Hi Former Room 4A Friends!
Happy New Year!  This year you will make your Confirmation and move up to 6th grade - big things ahead for you!  Thank you for all the nice comments.  I think of all of you all the time, and if we ever have a day when Nativity is off and St. E. is open, I'll come visit.  Gianna, I thought of you last night when the first episode of Idol came on - are you in an Idol pool again, and who do you have?  Brendan, I KNOW!  It is super cool that we got Cliff Lee!  What do you think the Phils should do about Blanton?  Amy - any Disney trips planned?  Jolie and Maddy - I loved the Christmas cards!  I'd love to hear from all my former students - we sure did have a great class!
My kids have extra homework because St. Ephrem passed Nativity in First in Math - good for you if you are one of the students moving St. Ephrem up in the rankings!
Tell your families and teachers I said hello and Happy New Year - you all are awesome!
Mrs. Morris

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One Trimester Down and Ten More Days till Christmas!

Congratulations to all of you who earned honors, and thank you for keeping me posted!  I am very proud of you!  I know you all have much to be proud of - I can see that St. Ephrem is doing very well in First in Math.  Keep up the good work!  I miss all of you and think of you often.  I'm sure you're busy getting ready for the Christmas show.  What song are you singing?  We are having a Christmas play on Tuesday night, and I will be playing the piano for it.  Have lots of fun in these last few days before Christmas, but don't drive your parents and teachers crazy!
Mrs. Morris  p.s. I asked Santa for a Phillies shirt that says Lee on the back!